Stream Chill. the Series!
Chill. the Series is the latest BlackOUT Company production here to bring laughs, tears, fun, and representation to your screen. Join us to follow Alex, our queer black lead, who navigates through coming out, handling relationships with both lovers and friends while also jumpstarting her career.
Created | Written | Casted | Directed | Edited by Xandria.
Produced by The BlackOUT Company
@theblackoutcompany @chill.theseries
Technical Director | Executive Producer Whitney LaRose
Director of Photography | Cinematographer Art Never Dies
Camera 2 Caleb Wyatt
Design Whitney LaRose
Production Assistant: Yanna Casey
Thanks to: Kairo Johnson, Kei Moore, Lex, Olivia, and Denise
Xandria. | "Alex"
Charity C. Irby | “Mariah”
Zuri Petteway | “Brittney”
Kiera Monae | “AJ “
Kae Hutto | “Rosé”
Marquies Wilson | “Nick”
Julian Austin | “That Nigga Charles”
Kairo Johnson | “Jazz”
Saiel Solehman | “Tae ‘Art Bae’ ”
Lesley Williams | “Andrea Johnson”
Andre Johnson | “Roman Johnson”
Rae DeRosa | “DeeDee”
Xavier Mytho | “CJ”
Russell Alexander | “Manny “
Scout Smith | "Makayla 'KayKay'"
Art Never Dies | “Random Guy”
Maiya Fong-Lee | "Bartender 1"
T'Shauna Henry | "Prissy Femme" Cherline
Cherisma | "Heteronormative Stud"
Taryn Scott | "Hot Girl"
Lex | "Party Goer"
Eden Mekonnen | "Party Goer" & "Audience Member"
Miracle Johns | "Club Goer"
Rah | "Open Mic Artist, Rah"
Supa Flowa | "Open Mic Artist, Supa Flowa"
Kei Moore | “Party Goer”
Ciara Adkins | “Party Goer